Why choose Mrk1
There are over 90 Driving Instructors in the area with nearly as many driving schools, some will 'claim they have a High Pass Rate' - but don't.
"Picking a Driving School is the Easy Part, Finding a Good Driving Instructor is much more difficult"
Don't be fooled by brand names ! Like the big 3 national driving schools that advertise on tv or radio, it's the instructor that will help you pass not the branding that's why an independent driving school is the best option for you.
National driving schools only exist because their franchised instructors are not confident, capable, and determined enough to start-up their own driving school. Some driving schools charge a franchise fee to their instructors on their books of nearly £400.00 per week to use there branding.
This makes for a very disgruntled driving instructor which doesn't help you, every time I'm at the Langley test centre you hear some instructor complaining how they hate their job/life which I find unbelievable!

Mum and dad's driving school
Why is it advisable NOT for your Family or Friends to teach you to drive?
Well, Expectation is one of many reasons why you should learn with a Qualified Driving Instructor.
Family or Friends will quickly lose their patience and temper with you for not understanding what they mean first time/quickly after all they would prefer doing something better and less stressful with their time don't you think?
Also the amount of accidents I drive past each week thanks to mum and dad's driving school doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Parents should never interfere with their teenagers life skill of learning to driving.
Only a qualified driving instructor can provide such a large knowledge transfer why risk your teanagers life for the sake of money, please don't be a cheap-skate your child deserves better or maybe you just don't care?
National average for driving lessons is 30-50 hours, my most Natural / intelligent pupil I've ever taught to drive managed to pass 1st time in 32 hours with 0 minors Amazing !
This young lady who had her first lesson on her 17th birthday amazed me. I only had to Instruct a command or go through a manouvre once and she would nail it every single time without fail truly incredible, I have never meet anyone like that since, in 14 years.
You or your teenager most likely won't be the exception to that rule as you can understand.
Learning to drive is not cheap and you shouldn't attempt this if you can't follow through with my driving course to the end.

Did you know!
*Some National Driving Schools and some Smaller Driving School's Employ Trainee Instructors*!
Qualified Instructor: Green badge
Trainee: Pink badge
So why should that be Important to you? Well this means that the Trainee Instructors are learning the Job at your Expense through Trial and Error.
Mrk1 Driving School only has Fully Qualified High Grade driving instructors. meaning you always get value for money.
Unlike some Instructors I will never cut your driving lesson short. More often than not it's likely I will overrun, simply because I enjoy my job. How many people have you heard say that recently in their jobs, not many I bet?
Unlike Some Instructors I will never suggest a 5-10 minute cigarette break during your lesson, at your expense as I don't smoke.
Unlike some Instructors I have never shouted or lost my temper even with the most nervous or demanding of learner drivers. My job you see involves a large percentage of problem solving, where there is no one better than myself.
Unlike some Instructors I will never recommend you take more lessons than you actually need, only enough so that you pass 1st time and don't let us both down.